Eat The Damn Chocolate

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Every Easter I see some Fitness person or PT post a post around being careful about what we eat this easter….or even worse - the Easter Egg Calories breakdown. AND Don’t get me started on the “How to work off your Easter Chocolate” posts! 😡 I don’t know about you but they get to me, they make me feel stink, and guilty.

I want to write this post to empower you, to remind you to trust your gut, make smart choices but most of all. EAT THAT DAMN CHOCOLATE, and enjoy.

From equalution

This Easter, I am, and will be in the middle of a program to help me loose weight post my ankle injury. My program, well it’s awesome, but it’s all about being a lifestyle change. Just eating smarter. And actually it’s all about working smarter, and not harder. For me this is a lifestyle and if the last month has taught me anything it is that life is about balance, having fun, and making smart choices.

I can still loose weight, and stick to my fitness goals whilst enjoying a night out. I can still have a Lindt Bunny, enjoy it, and smash my next check in. True story.

Food is always a tricky conversation. I hate talking about my food, but please know, you can eat that chocolate, its a food, it is normal, and it is delicious. IT IS ALL ABOUT MODERATION. Don’t take the joy out of eating,

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Be mindful. Don’t take this as a chance to blow out. Easter is’t the only time you can eat chocolate. Remember that. Food doesn’t control you and we shouldn’t fear food. It can be good for the mind, the body and the soul.

I promise you, one meal is not going to destroy you. Yes calories always count, but it doesn’t mean you should always count them. Just do you, enjoy it and add in those treats to your amazing balanced diet.

Just do you! Don’t compare yourselves to others. Let Susan enjoy her Lindt bunny and you do you, enjoy your choice of chocolate.

There really is more to life than tracking macros. I promise.

Also - I cannot wait to see how my easter chocolates help with my booty gains.

So here is my thing, eat your chocolate of choice, eat a hot cross bun (okay maybe a couple) and enjoy them. Move on. Get over it.
